Degrees and Programs

Doctor of Business Administration
The Doctor of Business Administration program at St. Ambrose University transforms you from business practitioner into management scholar.
Master of Business Administration
Our MBA program can prepare you to be an innovative business leader who motivates and inspires others and surpasses all professional goals.
Master of Social Work
Our MSW program gives you maximum career flexibility within its approach of working with others, and the skills to be an effective advocate for children, adults, and diverse communities.
Online Psychology
In today's fast-paced world, offering flexible online learning opportunities allows us to bring our person-centered psychology program to all students, regardless of location.
Doctor of Occupational Therapy
Study at a University dedicated to health sciences education and improving lives. Learn from experienced faculty who are passionately dedicated to their students.
Master of Organizational Leadership
Make a difference and create real change at work, at home and in your community with the Master of Organizational Leadership program.
Online Management
Whether you live near or far, you can earn a management degree online from St. Ambrose University.
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Direct your compassion, determination, and desire to solve problems toward a rewarding career in physical therapy. The SAU Physical Therapy Department is comprised of a doctoral program and an Orthopaedic Residency program.
Master of Public Health
Be part of the change and earn a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree online at St Ambrose University. Our high-quality and meaningingful health sciences programs turn your passion and inspiration into action. Get started on your master's degree today!
Online Nursing
Advance Your Nursing Career Anytime, Anywhere.

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